
I think I would like to write about women in the media how sex sells. I would like to discuss how they can show certain parts on a women and not a man. One of my focuses would be on the Calvin Klein ads who have recently been under the scope for their offensive ads including :orgys,and the notorious eva mendez ad which was pulled not for content but because you caught a glimpse of her nipple. They dont touch on the fact that shes basically having an Orgasm on screen.I think its interesting how they have this double standard in the industry when it comes to men and females. I understand the sex sells but if you have a woman baring it all why not have a male as well??I also was considering expanding that topic to compare conservative u.s to other countries and their advertisments . Also about the statistics of teenage pregnancy because I feel like this society contributes to the rise because everything is so hush hush, if we were more open to talking we might have lesser rates in pregnancy I did some research on that topic and found that according to a study using government statistics in 2001 :Adolescent childbearing is more common in the United States (22% of women reported having had a child before age 20) than in Great Britain (15%), Canada (11%), France (6%) and Sweden (4%); differences are even greater for births to younger teenagers. A lower proportion of teenage pregnancies are resolved through abortion in the United States than in the other countries; however, because of their high pregnancy rate, U.S. teenagers have the highest abortion rate. The age of sexual debut varies little across countries, yet American teenagers are the most likely to have multiple partners. A greater proportion of U.S. women reported no contraceptive use at either first or recent intercourse (25% and 20%, respectively) than reported nonuse in France (11% and 12%, respectively), Great Britain (21% and 4%, respectively) and Sweden (22% and 7%, respectively). Is it because we pretend sex doesnt exist by only showing part of what they allow us to..why pretend that sex doesnt exist why limit it to what the male viewers want to see? I dont know yet...let me know what you think sounds better. I do have the calvin klein ads and the eva mendez commercial Ill try and add the link so you can view it
some info
Eva mendez ad:
Orgy ad:


The Uncanny and The Shadow

The Uncanny is basically something were thats not normal or unnatural but we are strangely attracted to it. Like horror stories such as Edgar Allen Poe etc.The shadow is Jungs take on why we act on impulse,our own animal instincts that we carry.Certain things we say are supposedly contributed by our animal instincts.

Open your eyes

Open your eyes....

The spanish version of Vanilla Sky, the original concept.Still confusing because we never really know when he began the dream and what happens after he wakes up.Themes in the movie like the matrix its reality vs. dreams(matrix).Vanity is a big theme as well because the main characters flaw was vanity, so he loses everything. It was really creative, its one of those films like the movie The others because it has an ending different from what you would expect.


Media 103 project

103 Media Project
I have no idea what I want to write,film or powerpoint on but I have some vague ideas:
  • Role of women in spanish films vs. american films. Particularly how sex sells.
  • Advertisment what is deemed appropriate male vs. female appeal.(I.e: calvin klein underwear ads etc.
  • Sex in films similar to the advertisment what parts on a woman are allowed to be shown vs male parts shown or not.Labeling a movie porn or R.

I choose these topics as vague Ideas because I noticed that some movies,shows and ads tend to be biased.Especially on what is appropriate on tv, particularly how you can see a female without a top but you wont see a male without his bottom...etc. Ill add more as I continue researching.