
Humans vs.Aliens/machines

First of all I would like to start by saying that far scape was the weirdest scifi show Ive seen thus far,and Ive seen my fair share of scifi shows (lol).
I believe that startrek,far scape and the matrix have the same basic concepts in the idea that humans can be overthrown (if not already).The way that they differ is because in all humans were they're worst enemy except for in that particular episode of star trek.IE:in the matrix humans created the machines which eventually led to the demise of their world and society as they knew it.Although the machines were controlling them, the humans had no one to blame but themselves for it.In far scape Johns ideals were recreated by those aliens and although it tricked him into actually believing his friends were dead or captured,he could only blame himself.If he wouldn't have thought those things, he wouldn't have been trapped(a prisoner to his own thoughts).In star trek however we see it was the aliens who trapped the astronaut into the hotel royale, believing that it was a book about where he came from.The poor astronaut was forced to live out the rest of his days stuck in a planet with a cheesy story ongoing.
They all did however have similarities IE: A reality and a simulation of it. The matrix had the real world and the matrix.Star trek had the hotel royale and of course the reality of their alien ship and worlds.Far scape had a simulation of Johns thoughts and then reality.They also had the similar idea of doors changing like in the matrix when they found the door changed to a wall.In star trek the door kept revolving back in and never out (until the book was over).In far scape when he opened the door in the bar and found the mass of reddish pink swirl.
I do believe that theres a hidden message underneath all of this, and that is we are the reason for our own flaws.Its only human to be curious and to make mistakes, without them how would we learn? If you don't burn yourself when you touch the fire, how would you know not to touch it??I think whats more important is what we do after we make the mistakes.Do we change our own destiny or is it in our nature as humans to continue making the same mistakes??? It totally applies to whats going on right now in our "American culture". War, the media,the government,racism,etc. Come on how many times do we have to go to "war" with other countries before we see that theres more in it then rescuing another country or Bin Laden. Do we need documentaries like the zeitgeist,or Fahrenheit 9/11 to bring that to our attention???


The matrix

The matrix is about the Neo's(the main character) search for the truth,and what he finds.Its really about how computers have taken over the world and trick the human race into thinking they are living it, when in reality theyre not. I do believe we are living in socrates cave,we are the prisoners and the government is the one putting out the "puppets" and making us believe that thats how its supposed to be. The way the hide the truth from us is the same way it was hidden from the prisoners in the cave. Only when revealed did they know the truth like in the matrix. Until Neo was saw that the world he knew was fake did he believe it.

Other than this..I havent gotten used to the time change which is weird because usually I jump right into it.So I got noooo sleeep last night, and if we watch another film in the next class I might fall asleep. So please tap me if i do :-D!!!


Hi! My name is Nicole,Im 20 years old. Im from Brooklyn, married to my jhs+hs sweetheart.We have a 9month old baby girl :-).I dont really know what else to say...this is my 1st blog.