
The matrix

The matrix is about the Neo's(the main character) search for the truth,and what he finds.Its really about how computers have taken over the world and trick the human race into thinking they are living it, when in reality theyre not. I do believe we are living in socrates cave,we are the prisoners and the government is the one putting out the "puppets" and making us believe that thats how its supposed to be. The way the hide the truth from us is the same way it was hidden from the prisoners in the cave. Only when revealed did they know the truth like in the matrix. Until Neo was saw that the world he knew was fake did he believe it.

Other than this..I havent gotten used to the time change which is weird because usually I jump right into it.So I got noooo sleeep last night, and if we watch another film in the next class I might fall asleep. So please tap me if i do :-D!!!


  1. but who controls the goverment? mabye they are part of the problem but not the problem

  2. lol well in response to your response. I mean wealthy politicians are part of the goverment. I believe the "rabbit hole" goes deeper than that

    & you got all these special interest groups- lobbyists.
